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MICROSOFT Windows 7 Starter

MICROSOFT Windows 7 Starter Original. 32-bit , English , SEA 1pk DSP OEI DVD, PN GJC-00116, specifically designed by Microsoft for the low end market that includes most netbooks and other PC Hardware that has to be sold for the cheapest price possible. Bergaransi Resmi. Kirim seluruh Indonesia via JNE.

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Banting harga!
Rp. 475.000

Rp. 500.000 incl. tax

Windows 7


  • Windws 7 Starter has been specifically designed by Microsoft for the low end market that includes most netbooks and other PC Hardware that has to be sold for the cheapest price possible. The main reason for this edition is to provide manufactures with a Windows 7 edition that they ca put cost effectively on their low end products.  
  • Home Joint Group Only  
  • Windows Internet Explorer 8  
  • Windows Media Player 12 
Min. Processor Speed 1 GHz 32-bit or 64-bit processor 
Min. Harddisk Space 16 GB of available disk space 
Min. Memory Size 1 GB of system memory 
Min. Graphic Size Support for DirectX 9 graphics with 128 MB memory (required for Aero where it is available with no non-Aero amount listed) 
Peripheral Requirements DVD-R/W Drive 
Software Requirements Internet access 

Jangan terpengaruh dengaan harga murah, Pastikan anda memakai Windows yang ASLI

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