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Microsoft Windows XP Pro - The Professional Choice Although replaced by Microsoft Windows Vista, Microsoft Windows XP Pro remains the most popular and widely used operating system in the world for business computer applications.
Microsoft Office Works 9.0 (Word, Excel, Powerpoint viewer) ini kompatibel dengan file - file office 2007, seperti DOCX, XLSX,PPTX. Sebagai perbandingan, total size Works versi 9 adalah 365 Mbytes. Sedangkan Office Suite Versi 2003 adalah 620 Mbytes. Cocok untuk Warnet atau Pengguna Rumahan. Bisa untuk Windows XP dan Windows Vista
MICROSOFT Windows Vista Home Premium. 1 GHz 32-bit (x86) or 64-bit (x64) processor, 1 GB of system memory, 40 GB hard drive with at least 15 GB of available space, Support for DirectX 9 graphics with: WDDM Driver, 128 MB of graphics memory (minimum), Pixel Shader 2.0 in hardware, 32 bits per pixel, DVD-ROM drive. Jakarta Siap Antar COD Rp. 15.000...
MICROSOFT Windows 7 Pro 32-bit. PN FQC-01241, English, 30pk DSP 30 OEI DVD, Simplify your PC with new navigation features like Aero Shake, Jump Lists, and Snap, Windows XP Mode gives you the business flexibility you need, Watch, pause, rewind, and record TV with Windows Media Center, Watch your favorite DVD movie. Jakarta Siap Antar COD Rp. 15.000...
MICROSOFT Windows 7 Home Premium 32-bit. PN GFC-01050, English, SEA 30pk DSP 30 OEI DVD, makes it easy to create a home network and share all of your favorite photos, videos, and music. You can even watch, pause, rewind, and record TV. Get the best entertainment experience. Jakarta Siap Antar COD Rp. 15.000 Bergaransi Resmi.
MICROSOFT Windows Vista Home Basic 32bit. 1 GHz 32-bit (x86) or 64-bit (x64) processor, 512 MB of system memory, 20 GB hard drive with at least 15 GB of available space, Support for DirectX 9 graphics and 32 MB of graphics memory, DVD-ROM driv, Audio output, Internet access. Jakarta Siap Antar COD Rp. 15.000 Bergaransi Resmi.
MICROSOFT Office Home and Student 2007. Windows, English, 3 Users, Software suite for home computer users that enables you to quickly and easily create great-looking documents, spreadsheets, and presentations, and organize your information in one place, making it easier for you to get things done. Bergaransi Resmi.
MICROSOFT Windows 7 Home Basic 32-bit. PN F2C-00361, English , SEA 30pk DSP 30 OEI DVD, Concurrent Applications Unlimited, Home Group (Create & Join) Join Only, Windows Internet Explorer 8, Windows Media Player 12, Desktop Window Manager, Windows Mobility Center, Windows Aero Partial. Jakarta Siap Antar COD Rp. 15.000 Bergaransi Resmi.
MICROSOFT Windows 7 Starter Original. 32-bit , English , SEA 1pk DSP OEI DVD, PN GJC-00116, specifically designed by Microsoft for the low end market that includes most netbooks and other PC Hardware that has to be sold for the cheapest price possible. Bergaransi Resmi. Kirim seluruh Indonesia via JNE.
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