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Router Huawei D100T

Router ini untuk share internet mobile broadband anda via Wi-Fi (Wireless LAN) kemampuan sharing maksimum 5 user terkoneksi berbarengan (rekomen 3 user). Cocok untuk modem Huawei E156, E160, E169, E170, E172, E176, E220, E270, E272. Ex T-Mobile. Garansi 6 bulan. Siap kirim ke seluruh Indonesia via JNE.

Lebih detail

Banting harga!
Rp. 299.000

Rp. 375.000 incl. tax


Cocok untuk di rumah, kantor, restaurant, cafe, event organizer ... yang membutuhkan jaringan komunikasi data dan internet dimana saja dan kapan saja.

*Penjualan belum termasuk kartu internet

Key features

  • Share your Mobile Broadband connection via WiFi 802.11b/g (wifi rate up to 54 Mbps)
  • Simply plug in your USB stick to share your Mobile Broadband connection and follow the wizard
  • Up to 5 users online at once - and no need for a fixed phone line
  • Surfing speeds of up to 7.2Mb/s (depends on the usb modem)
  • 1 x RJ 45 (LAN 10/100)
  • Setting via IP ( Afterwards go to Advanced Settings | Dial Up Settings | PPP Settings and make sure the correct profile is chosen in the Profile List. If not, chose the correct one and hit Apply either you can make a new profile for your internet connection such Telkomsel Unlimited with APN = internet, user name and password leave it blank and save the profile.

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