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Memory Card Apacer Secure Digital Card (Micro SD) kapasitas 4GB, 8GB, dan 16GB untuk ponsel, gadget, PDA Phone, Blackberry, Kamera

Barang baru 100% dan asli, LIFETIME WARRANTY, dan termasuk SD Adapter.

*harga dapat berubah sewaktu-waktu

Lebih detail

Rp. 57.500

SD Apacer

10 jumlah 25 jumlah
-Rp. 2.500 -Rp. 5.000

* Kompabilitas    : Telepon Selular, PDA, Kamera Digital, kompatible dengan slot SD (+ Converter)

* Fitur              :
- the non-recoverable error occurrence is below 1 in 10 to the power of 14 bits read.
- damage-free powered card insertion and removal.
- support in system programming (ISP) function to load firmware.
- support error corecting code (ECC) to detect and corect error.
- compatible with all PC card service and socket service.
- lifetime waranty.

* Dimensi             :    11 x 15 x 1.0

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