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4GB ADATA Theme Series T802

Flash disk ADATA menghadirkan USB Flash disk mungil dan ber tema disney (logo mickey mouse). Cocok untuk hadiah kantor.

Bisa kirim ke seluruh kota Indonesia via JNE termasuk ke Papua.

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Rp. 175.000


Stok: Ready Stock. Silahkan order dan konfirmasikan pembayaran via sms/call di 085256305203

According to the lunar calendar – 2008 is the year of the mouse. As official Disney licensee – A-Data created a special Mickey USB flash drive just for this special occasion. The T802 combines the image of the symbolic Mickey with a touch of eastern culture.

The housing of the T802 has a new design but keeps traditional. It features the famous ears of Mickey with a distinctive Chinese cloud pattern on the surface for an Asian flavor. The T802 is available in two colors of red and gold. The red color expresses happiness and joyfulness while the gold color stands for fortune and prosperity. The package of the T802 is designed as a painting-frame and inspired by world famous Chinese-styled designs.

 Color: red/gold
 Support USB 2.0, backward compatible with USB 1.1.
 Hot Plug and Play
 Chinese style mickey appearance
 The cap can be retained onto the tail
 Chinese style accessory

Windows®: 98/98SE/ME/2000/XP/Vista™ or later
Mac®: OS 9.0 or later
Linux™: Kernel 2.4 or later
To see more about A-DATA USB Flash Drives or to download the driver for Windows 98® and AP software, please visit:

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