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Modem Huawei E1550

Modem Huawei E1550. Bisa untuk semua operator 3G, UMTS, HSDPA, EDGE, 2G, GPRS. 2G Networks: 850mHz, 900mHz, 1800mHz, 1900mHz. 3G Networks: 850mHz, 1900mHz, 2100mHz. Garansi 6 bulan. Siap kirim ke seluruh Indonesia via Tiki JNE.  Jakarta dan Depok bisa bayar COD.

Info & Order: 085256305203

Y!M: hamasale

Lebih detail

Rp. 400.000


5 jumlah 10 jumlah 15 jumlah 20 jumlah
-Rp. 10.000 -Rp. 15.000 -Rp. 20.000 -Rp. 15.000

Huawei e1550 USB wireless card

HuaweiE1550 is replacing the HuaweiE156G/E160G. Both E156G and E160G are going End of Life.
E1550 will to be offered free in Acquisition.

Specification wise the E1550 is exactly the same as the E156G with one exception, there is no External antenna interface on the E1550.
E1550 supports Download speeds up to 3.6Mbps and upload speeds up to 384kbps.

The E1550 comes with a USB cable that can be used to improve performance in areas with bad coverage.
E1550 also has a convenient leach attached to the cap so customers will not loose it.


E1550 is a 3.6 modem with PlugnPlayfunctionality The Connection Manager is auto installed when the modem is connected to the computer for the first time.
E1550 supports all major operating systems including Windows Vista and Mac OSX.

The leach attached to the cap minimises the risk of loosing the cap.
The usbcable, included in the box, can be used to improved performance in areas with bad network coverage.

Info & Order: 085256305203

Y!M: hamasale

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